Maths Pathway
By 2030, it is estimated that 40% of current entry-level jobs will likely be replaced by technology-enabled automation. Producing students with the skills to succeed in this new economy is essential to Australia’s future economic prosperity and social cohesion. However, Australia's comparative performance on international benchmark studies of student achievement has steadily declined over the last decade.
According to the Grattan Institute, the typical Year 7 mathematics class in Australia has an average of an eight-year gap in mathematical proficiency between the highest and lowest-performing students.
To address this fundamental challenge, new approaches are required. Maths Pathway uses smart technology and a different approach to teaching and learning to dramatically improve maths learning. On average, students using Maths Pathway experience a doubling of learner growth. Today, more than 35,000 students and 2,000 teachers use Maths Pathway.
To find out more about Maths Pathway, click here.